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Your concern & our solution

Your concern & our solution

The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.

Vital Creations LLP, Ahmedabad has always believed in playing a vital role and providing support to all apparel business owners.

With the same belief and motive, this time, we took an initiative for apparel retailers to bounce back to their businesses post lockdown. We hosted a webinar and shared valuable information on how to utilize our times during the lockdown and actions to be taken post lockdown to boost sales and sustain in such a crisis.

We are overwhelmed by the response from retailers as well as suppliers and are happy to support. The webinar was conducted 4 times and covered about 400 retailers and 50 suppliers.

Everything was explained prominently from planning steps a head to coming online and exploring the digital world. We also covered topics like increasing customer footfalls and tips for sales-boosting and a lot more.

So let’s stand strong together in this hard times and help understanding each other how to make the best out of the worst. Bring a spinning wheel with wonderful offers, add a selfie stand to gain a digital presence. Bring something extra like let’s make a Gondola stand near the cash counter.

So you see we have ideas, you just have to implement them. Toknow more search us on YouTube as VITAL CREATIONS LLP.

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